Some new West coast flavor for your ears...
Jaydon Omega is a Hip Hop Rap Lyricist from the San Fernando Valley "the 818" of Los Angeles, California. He's from the inner streets Born and raised. Jaydon moved to Las Vegas Nevada (702) to regain his style, promote his skills and network his music. Full of WestCoast flavor, he is very versatile and known to be able to master any beat and rock a crowd with the best of them. In his career he has composed, ghost wrote, and produce for other artists. From what we know he Lives, Loves and bleeds Music, all while enjoying making his fans Turn UP.
Puddy Cat is his latest release and we are happy to bring it to the listeners of #SonyHulkRadio. We always bring you the best new music... to Follow Jayon Omega click the links below.
Sony Hulk Radio made for independent Artists.